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This is a semi-new endeavor for me, but exciting at the same time! I’ve had a couple of blogs in the past, but am dedicating this one to the Baby Jesus, Whom I have a devotion to, and Who also chose me as my patron saint this past year! And I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me as I write each post so that this blog will hopefully be pleasing to God, glorify Him, and somehow help others, even if it’s just one person. 🙂 This blog may only end up getting two views, but that’s okay! (Please bear with me as I’m soft launching this site and editing everything from the look and feel to the content.)

I hope to include posts about my travels to Catholic destinations near and far, thoughts and reflections, as well as testimonies from others about the graces they’ve received from God. I might include a post in the future about why and how I started this blog, but for now, welcome, and hope you enjoy your stay!

Gloria in excelsis Deo 🙂

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